Tag Archives: first strike

True To The Skinhead Cult: The Argument About Oi-Band Stomper 98

Sebi and his friends are constantly in trouble. They always have to explain themselves. “I’m really fed up with waffling,” he rants, “but if there’s a brawl with Nazis, I’m in the front row.” (Quotes from an interview in German newspaper “taz” http://www.taz.de/!33174/ ). Sebi plays in Skinhead-Band Stomper 98, who are often named as a fine example of cultural Greyzone. To blame is the internet, German newspaper “taz” believes, because there was a snapshot floating around the internet showing Sebi together with a Neonazi, posing for the camera. Indeed there’s more facts on and photographs of Stomper 98 that are worth being scrutinized. Continue reading


Filed under Analysis, Boneheads, Germany, Great Britain, United States