Tag Archives: 4 skins

True To The Skinhead Cult: The Argument About Oi-Band Stomper 98

Sebi and his friends are constantly in trouble. They always have to explain themselves. “I’m really fed up with waffling,” he rants, “but if there’s a brawl with Nazis, I’m in the front row.” (Quotes from an interview in German newspaper “taz” http://www.taz.de/!33174/ ). Sebi plays in Skinhead-Band Stomper 98, who are often named as a fine example of cultural Greyzone. To blame is the internet, German newspaper “taz” believes, because there was a snapshot floating around the internet showing Sebi together with a Neonazi, posing for the camera. Indeed there’s more facts on and photographs of Stomper 98 that are worth being scrutinized. Continue reading


Filed under Analysis, Boneheads, Germany, Great Britain, United States

Greyzone in Germany: The Cult Of Randomness

Once more the Greyzone will be the number one topic of this summer’s festivals, especially with those who won’t attend them anyway – because they don’t feel like partying with those that partied with Nazis the weekend before and only came to enjoy songs with pub level debate lyrics in a subcultural setting. So why do Greyzones get more and more accepted in “alternative” surroundings? This question inevitably leads us to the topics alternative/subcultural business, aesthetic criticism, men’s worlds, skinhead cult and to the search of meaning behind political labels. Continue reading

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Filed under Analysis, Boneheads, Germany